Sele Set'18 Writing 2
Our first university year is coming and whether we are leaving home or staying, things are going to be different. But which are the advantages and disadvantages of starting a new life outside our houses?
On the one hand, we have the opportunity of becoming an independent person, that includes all the freedom to decide how we want to organize our new life. We won't have schedules and limits as before. It means we will have to be really responsible and mature people not to transform our life into a chaos.
On the other hand, leaving home means that we will have to pay our own bills and that also includes having a job to pay them, unless our parents are willing to pay for us, but this is a thing that rarely happens. So leaving home will include to sacrifice part of our free time and stop doing other activities to go to work.
In conclusion, I don’t know what I am going to do next year, but I have really clear that I’m not going to leave my house and my family unless I can be totally independent and sustainable by myself.

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